Wednesday, June 24, 2020

“God told me I was going to get deported” Bucky Raw Speaks on his Spirituality

Knowing what I know of Jesus, I really shouldn’t have been surprised to learn that Bucky Raw is highly spiritual. But it caught me off guard nonetheless when he told me that he was mentored spiritually by his grand father, Sammy Lor Mahm, who is a preacher. Who knew? As Bucky Raw outlines the list of things his grand father taught him, he mentions that he was taught to read the Bible in the Liberian dialect, Dan, which he says he is not currently fluent in, but he can try. The rapper who is known for his street hustles, talked about his daily devotions, and mentioned that when he is being more prayerful, God speaks to him more often. He claimed that God told him that he was going to get deported, therefore he got mentality and spiritually prepared for the journey. 
Don’t be surprise if the artist hits us with a gospel album someday, it runs in his family, his grand mother was a famous gospel singer. 

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